Body armor and plates are in increasing demand, at least down in the States. Many places have sold out. Some places, particularly those worst hit by recent winter storms, are way behind on deliveries. Neither of those things is the case with ShotStop Ballistics, however…or so they’re saying:
“We are hearing many armor companies have diminishing stock and slow delivery times. Not ShotStop! We are ready to take your order whether you are an agency or civilian looking for the lightest most durable ballistic technology out there.”

ShotStop plates in action – some sort of photo op action, anyway. ShotStop offers a variety of body armor plates in different protective levels and offers a 15-year warranty.
Details of ShotStop’s Cold Weather Coupon
• Use coupon code protect2021 for15% off
• Offer is valid through February 28, 2021
• Applies to any order of armor plates and BallisticBoard inserts
• Limit One Usage Per Customer
* While supplies last
ShotStop plates are made with a material they call Duritium, the use of (though not the science of) which they describe this way:
“Our patented Duritium technology and processes allow our advanced body armor to be thinner, lighter, and more durable than anything else on the market. Utilizing Duritium technology often results in up to 45 percent reduction in thickness and up to 200 percent reduction in weight, compared to other body armor plates (steel, ceramic, or poly) on the market at the same protection level.”

The right armor, in the right plate carrier, could keep you alive. It will also keep some desperado from shooting holes in your favorite viking shirt.
You can see their NIJ rating chart online here.
ShotStop’s Jason Henkel once explained Duritium in this way:
“Basically, what Duritium is, it’s a next-generation polyethylene that has an unusually high tensile strength. This tensile strength lends itself very well to ballistics and body armor projectile, basically kinetic energy disbursement. With that, we have decided to enter the market of body armor, vehicle armor, and building material uparmorment [sic], for safe rooms, for schools, for banks, for public areas.
A lot of uses for the Duritium technology, but today we’d kind of like to talk a little bit about our body armor line. The reason for this, at the end of the day, is that we want to save the lives of those who are serving to protect ours in the public; who are protecting our children, who are protecting our freedoms, our liberties. The entrance of Duritium technology is going to certainly enable that in the world.”
About ShotStop in their own words:
“Disruptive lifesaving ballistics technologies and materials for consumer, law enforcement, and defense markets.With its patented technologies, ShotStop provides advanced armor solutions that are stronger, lighter, thinner, and lower cost.”
You can learn more about the company and its plates and ballistic inserts online: